Kangana Ranaut has been in controversy for the past few days due to her statements regarding Mumbai city. Needless to say, that did not sit well with the government of Maharashtra and soon a raid took place by the BMC at her Mumbai office. The actress had apparently built a few portions in her office illegally.
On inspection, the BMC officers served her a notice and if the reports are to be believed, she has been served another notice stating that the BMC will demolish said portions. It includes an unauthorized toilet converted into a cabin on the ground floor, an unauthorized kitchen constructed in the storeroom on the ground floor, new toilets created by the staircase inside the store, and by the parking lot, an unauthorized pantry, unauthorized partitions/cabins in the living room, and many more. As per the claims, the BMC had not issued permission for these changes and hence they decided to demolish these areas.
The actress was recently given access to Y Plus security by the Central Government after her controversial statements.
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