Show HN: Simple Text Editor that auto saves txt files
4 by rtbcodes | 0 comments on Hacker News.
I created a text editor to use with Jira and their text formatting notation, or really any simple note taking or writing that a user would quickly want to save/have auto save. I used javafx, fxml, and netbeans ide. You can check out the Repo here ( and any input whatsoever is greatly appreciated. Btw this is also my first app ever, so yay me! ty again!
4 by rtbcodes | 0 comments on Hacker News.
I created a text editor to use with Jira and their text formatting notation, or really any simple note taking or writing that a user would quickly want to save/have auto save. I used javafx, fxml, and netbeans ide. You can check out the Repo here ( and any input whatsoever is greatly appreciated. Btw this is also my first app ever, so yay me! ty again!