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I created an add-on for Google Sheets called Flookup, and it comes both as a free version and a VERY AFFORDABLE paid version. At its core, Flookup is a fuzzy matching add-on that helps you manage text that is less than a 100% match. Beyond that it can be used to: 1. Search for and match data regardless of whether it contains typos. 2. Highlight and delete duplicates duplicates even if the data has mismatched text. 3. Calculate the percentage similarity between strings. 4. Extract unique values from any column based on percentage similarity. 5. Sum and find the average of numbers based on corresponding partial matches. Because of its versatility, Flookup can be used to return the best match, the next best match, etc. until the minimum percentage similarity is reached. This feature avoids weaknesses other fuzzy matching algorithms have because it safely hands power to the user, and I believe the user is the best judge of which data is a match or not. Another great feature Flookup has is that it can be used to combine lookup values. This is particularly helpful when your data has many similar strings and you want to add extra information to your lookup value in order to increase the specificity of your query. Finally, Flookup is good for more than just fuzzy matching; it is the improved replacement for VLOOKUP and INDEX/MATCH that you have been looking for. Find out more by heading to http://bit.ly/2Rx6ebl , Subscription information is available at http://bit.ly/38lkjiR