After acting in South films as well as the Madhur Bhandarkar film Calendar Girls, Akanksha Puri reappeared in the news with the show Swayamvar Mika Di Vohti. It seems that the actress has been friends with musician Mika Singh and she was brought on the show a wild card entry. Owing to the fact that she knew the singer even before entering the show, and him eventually selecting her as his bride, has raised several questions about it being scripted. However, Akanksha recently addressed the rumors and denied all the allegations about it being scripted.
Speaking about these rumours, Akanksha Puri addressed it during an interview with ETimes asserting that none of this is fake or scripted. She said, “My entry in the show was not planned. In fact, he was surprised when he saw me as a wild card contestant.” She went on to add, "I would like to reiterate that this is not a sham. But things have to gradually happen over a period of time."
Further speaking about her bond with Mika, she shared, “Mika and I have been friends, but we haven’t dated or romanced each other. Marriage is a big decision, so one has to think a lot before taking the plunge. You can’t get married just after completing some tasks on a show. So, I am looking forward to spending quality time with Mika and getting to know him better.”
For the uninitiated, while Mika Singh had fans coming across the country to be his ‘vohti’ aka wife, the sudden entry of Akanksha Puri had left everyone surprised. Furthermore, the actress confessed that she has been friends with the singer for over a decade and when the singer eventually chose her as his partner, the couple got massively trolled as many went on to call the show a mere ‘publicity stunt’.
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