When Jugjugg Jeeyo trailer was launched with much fanfare, it also featured the relationships that Karan Johar shares with the entire cast of his production, including Anil Kapoor and Neetu Kapoor. On the other hand, the lead actor of the film Varun Dhawan aka Kukoo has been KJo’s ‘student’ since the start of his career and now that he has become a star from just a star kid, he spoke about the filmmaker and his habits. During this exclusive talk with Bollywood Hungama, Varun’s onscreen father Anil Kapoor had an interesting quip to add and needless to say, the ‘Jhakaas’ actor added his witty lines to make it even more entertaining.
Anil Kapoor was asked to speak about Karan Johar and how his career has continued to be successful for all these years. While dissecting the reason behind his success as a filmmaker and producer, Varun said to Bollywood Hungama, “He understands pop culture very well.” Anil Kapoor continued, “That’s the reason he has been so consistent as a filmmaker, producer, director. You see his track record. People have been successful for what, 5-10 years. I think now Karan has been hugely successful for approximately more than two decades.”
The conversation was then taken over by Varun Dhawan who revealed that Karan Johar hangs out with a lot of the younger generation like Ananya, Sara, Janhvi and even younger ones now, like Shanaya. “So you all have become seniors now,” quipped Anil, to which Varun responded, “He only hangs out with kids. I told him it looks weird and that you are very grown and you need to hang out with adults too, you know!” During this conversation, Neetu joined it adding, “Hum ko toh kabhi invite nahi karega na hangout karne ke liye,” she asked Anil. To the same Anil responded, “Hum jaana bhi nahi chahte,” that left everyone in splits. He continued it in his quirky way, “Bulaya toh achha, nahi bulaya toh aur bhi achha.”
Speaking of Jugjugg Jeeyo, the film features Anil Kapoor and Neetu Kapoor as parents of Varun Dhawan, who is on the verge of divorcing his wife played Kiara Advani. It also stars Maniesh Paul and Prajakta Koli in pivotal roles. Directed by Raj Mehta, the film will hit the big screens on June 24.
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