Actor Sushant Singh Rajput passed away more than a month ago. He died by suicide on June 14 and was found hanging in his Bandra apartment. The untimely demise of the actor shook the entire nation. As Mumbai Police is currently investigating his death, there has been pressure to start a CBI inquiry to look into his death case. Now, the Supreme Court has dismissed the PIL seeking CBI probe.
On July 30, Lawyer Alka Priya, who filed the PIL, was told by the court to let the police do the investigation. She stated that Sushant had done a lot of work for children and even facilitated their training at NASA and therefore, his death should be investigated by CBI. Chief Justice S Bobde told the lawyer that the case had nothing to do with whether Sushant was a good or bad person.
Two days ago, Sushant’s father KK Singh filed an FIR against Sushant’s girlfriend Rhea Chakraborty and her family for abetment to suicide. Sanjay Kumar Singh, inspector general, central range, revealed that an FIR was lodged at the Rajiv Nagar police station in Patna against Rhea and her family including Indrajit Chakraborty, Sandhya Chakraborty, Shruti Modi, Showik Chakraborty and others. It was filed under Sections 341, 342, 380, 406,420, 306 and 120 (B) of the Indian Penal Code.
A four-team member of police left from Patna on July 28 to question Rhea Chakraborty and her family. Mumbai Police has recorded statements of over 40 people including Aditya Chopra, Sanjay Leela Bhansali, Mahesh Bhatt, Rhea Chakraborty, among others.
Bihar Police is now conducting an independent investigation.
ALSO READ: THROWBACK: "I am in a relationship with thousands of people; I talk to 200 people on Instagram for two hours daily" - Sushant Singh Rajput
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