Accountability Judge Azam Khan resumed hearing the reference filed by the National Accountability Bureau (NAB) against the PPP co-chairman, his sister, and close aides, Omni Group head Anwar Majeed and Hussain Lawai among other accused.
At the start of the hearing, the bureau’s prosecutor requested more time for further investigation before the accused’s indictment. Granting his request, the judge deferred their indictment until July 24.
The court also approved applications of Zardari and Talpur seeking exemption from personal appearance in today’s hearing.
Zardari, his sister, and other accused are facing charges of laundering more than Rs35 billion through fake bank accounts. Zardari’s close aides Hussain Lawai and Anwar Majeed have also been nominated in the scam.
Former president Asif Ali Zardari was released on Dec 13 on the orders of the Islamabad High Court (IHC) in the fake bank accounts and Park Lane cases on medical grounds – six months after his arrest from his F-8 residence.
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