Akshay Kumar has fast become one of the most bankable actors of recent times. With each of his films managing to rake in the moolah, Akshay, who features in multiple releases each year, is riding high. In fact, in 2019 Kumar featured in four releases viz. Kesari, Mission Mangal, Housefull 4 and Good Newwz. Looking at the box office, each of these releases went on to become hits crossing the Rs. 150 cr mark at the box office. If that wasn’t enough, looking at the worldwide collections of Akshay Kumar’s releases in 2019 the detail that stands out is that the actor has managed to rake in over Rs. 1000 cr. in gross collections from these four releases.
Akshay Kumar’s Worldwide Gross Box Office Collections
Good Newws - Rs. 298.39 cr.
Mission Mangal - Rs. 290.59 cr.
Housefull 4 - Rs. 280.27 cr.
Kesari - Rs. 207.09 cr.
Total - Rs. 1076.34 cr.
When compared to other actors for the year 2019, Akshay Kumar surpasses Hrithik Roshan, who comes in second with over Rs. 600 cr. gross from two, releases viz. War and Super 30.
Hrithik Roshan’s Worldwide Gross Box Office Collections
Super 30 - Rs. 208.93 cr.
War - Rs. 474.79 cr.
Total - Rs. 683.72 cr.
Interestingly, while Akshay Kumar has managed to set a new box office record in 2019, the actor has an equal number of releases in 2020 as well. With Sooryavanshi, Laxmmi Bomb, Prithviraj and Bachchan Pandey slated to hit screens this year, expectation are that the actor might just surpass his own record.
from Box Office Special Features - Bollywood Hungama https://ift.tt/2suEEDj